Trefniadau Cystadlu Eisteddfod Cylch / Urdd Area Timetable – 5.3.2022

Gweler yn yr atodiad restr o gystadleuthau Eisteddfod Cylch yr Urdd dydd Sadwrn yma yn Ysgol Dewi Sant.

Byddwch fel rhieni yn derbyn ebost bersonol gan yr Urdd yn cadarnhau eich amseroedd. Gwyliwch allan am yr ebyst.

Rwyf wedi gofyn i staff hefyd i rannu manylion drw Class Dojo hefyd. Os nad ydych wedi clywed yn fuan, cysylltwch yr ysgol os gwelwch yn dda.

Pob lwc i bawb sy’n cystadlu.

Earlier today, we received the timetable for the Urdd Area Eisteddfod, which is being held this Saturday, March 5th at Ysgol Dewi Sant. Rhyl. The timetable includes time slots for each competition and also which schools / staff / individuals are stewarding. 

If registered to compete, you will today receive an email from the Urdd confirming indiviudual times for competing. Please check your emails for this information. If unsure, please contact the school before the end of tomorrow. 

I have also asked staff to forward individual time slots via Class Dojo- to ensure you received the information. 

Good luck to all who are competing this Saturday.