Beth yw pwrpas datblygu Ysgol y Llys fel Ysgol Goedwig?
‘Mae Ysgolion Coedwig yn ddull arloesol o addysgu drwy chwarae a dysgu yn yr awyr agored’
Mae Ysgol y Llys yn cyfuno gydag athroniaeth Ysgolion Coedwig, sef annog ac ysbrydoli unigolion o unrhyw oadran drwy brofiadau positif a chyfranogaeth mewn gweithgareddau a thasgau diddorol, cymhellgar a phosibl mewn amgylchedd coediog, gan helpu i ddatblygu sgiliau personol, cymdeithasol ac emosiynol:
- Annibyniaeth
- Darganfod eu medrau
- Hyder
- Sgiliau cyfathrebu
- Cynyddu hunan-barch
Mae angen amser ar blant i archwilio eu syniadau, eu teimladau a’u perthynas gydag eraill yn drwyadi. Mae hyn yn datblygu eu dealltwriaeth o’r byd, yr amgylchedd a phopeth o fewn yr amgylchedd drwy ddefnyddio eu hemosiynau, eu dychymyg a’u synhwyrau.
What is the purpose of developing Ysgol y Llys as a Forest School?
‘Forest Schools are an innovative way of education by playing and learning outdoors’
Ysgol y Llys agrees with the philosophy of Forest Schools, namely in that it encourages and motivates individuals of any age through positive experiences and participation in interesting, motivational and viable activites and tasks in a forest environment by helping to develop personal, social and emotional skills:
- Independence
- Discovering their skills
- Confidence
- Communication skills
- Increasing self-esteem
Children need time to thoroughly explore their ideas, feelings and their relationship with others. this develops their understanding of the world, the environment and everything contained within the environment by using their emotions, their imagination and their senses.