Mae Ysgol y Llys yn creu amgylchfyd hapus a diogel i holl blant yr ysgol. Ein nod yw datblygu hunan hyder a hunan ddisgyblaeth mewn awyrgylch ofalgar a chynhaliol.
Hyfforddir y plant gan staff gymwys a brwdfrydig, a fydd yn mynnu y safonau uchaf, fel bod pob plentyn yn datblygu i’w l/llawn botensial ymhob agwedd.
Rydym fel ysgol Gymraeg yn sicrhau bod holl blant yr ysgol yn datblygu’n hollol ddwyieithog.
Ysgol y Llys creates a happy and safe environment for all the children. Our aim is to develop self-confidence and self-discipline in a caring and supportive atmosphere.
The children are taught by qualified and enthusiastic staff, who demand high standards, to ensure that each child develops to his/her full potential in all aspects.
As a Welsh medium school we ensure that all children in the school are fully bi- lingual.
Ysgol y Llys
Sefydlwyd yr ysgol fel un gynradd ddwyieithog benodol ddyddiol yn 1975. Dewis y rhieni yw anfon eu plant i’r ysgol a cheir cymysgedd o Gymry Cymraeg a phlant o gartrefi di Gymraeg tref Prestatyn a’r ardaloedd cyfagos.
Cymraeg yw iaith swyddogol yr ysgol ond Saesneg eu hiaith ydy mwyafrif y newydd ddyfodiaid. Rhaid felly gwneud pob ymdrech posibl i ddysgu’r Gymraeg iddynt mor fuan ag sydd yn bosibl er mwyn iddynt fedru ymroddi i mewn i fywyd yr ysgol. Erbyn diwedd eu gyrfa yn yr ysgol hon trosglwyddir y plant i Ysgol Uwchradd Glan Clwyd.
The school was established as a primary bilingual, co-educational day school in 1975. It is a parental choice that their children attend and of the children admitted some are Welsh speaking and the remainder come from non Welsh speaking homes in Prestatyn and the surrounding area.
Welsh is the official language of the school, but the majority of our newcomers are English speaking. The first task is to ensure that they settle down and then every possible effort is made to enable them to learn Welsh as soon as possible so that they can take their natural place in the life of the school. At the end of their time in this school the children transfer to Ysgol Uwchradd Glan Clwyd.
Amgylchfyd | Surroundings
‘Rydym yn ffodus yn Ysgol y Llys bod gennym diroedd eang a deniadol i’r plant chwarae arnynt ac sydd yn ddelfrydol i’w defnyddio yng nghyswllt y Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol a’r Cyfnod Sylfaen. Mae gennym neuadd gyda offer gymnasteg ragorol; dosbarth i’r Cylch Meithrin a Meithrin Mwy. Fel Ysgol Goedwig defnyddiwn y goedwig yn rheolaidd fel adnodd dysgu.
We are fortunate at Ysgol y Llys to have extensive and attractive grounds, which are pleasant for children to play in and ideal for use in conjunction with areas of the National Curriculum and Foundation Phase. We have a new hall which has excellent gymnastics equipment and a classroom for Cylch Meithrin and Meithrin Mwy. As a Forest School we use the woodland area regularly as a learning area.