Llawer o ddiolch am ymatebion pawb wrth drafod cynlluniau i ail gychwyn gwersi nofio yn y Nofa i ddisgyblion yr Adran Iau. Mae’r adborth wedi bod yn hynod bositif ac adeiladol. Rydym mewn sefyllfa felly i symud ymlaen a threfnu gwersi nofio i ddisgyblion yr Adran Iau. Tybiwn mai ar ol gwyliau’r Pasg fydd y carfan gyntaf o ddisgyblion. Byddwn yn cadarnhau manylion eto.
Hoffwn ddiolch yn ddiffuant am eich ymatebion. Mae braf derbyn sylwadau a barn rieni ar weithgarwch yma yn Ysgol y Llys.
Firstly, many thanks parents for your feedback following our request for Parental Views on swimming lessons, costs etc.
The feedback has been great with 100% of those responding very keen to see lessons resuming and a willingness and understanding regarding
increase in transport costs etc. The generosity of families is also really appreciated- many offering to support families who potentially are affected financially by increased costs.
With this is mind, we will look to comfirm lessons. The likelihood, as this is a short half term is that we will begin after Easter.
We expect to be given our Monday afternoon slots at the Nova. We are conscious that we will lose two Mondays due to INSET days and MayDay Bank holiday. The likelihood is that we will bridge next half term, with the first few weeks of the last half term for a block for and offer the following block of 5 / 6 weeks to a different year group.
We are still looking at cheaper quotes for buses in order to keep prices down.
So to confirm, swiming lessons ar eexpected to go ahead after Easter. Class teachers will keep you informed via Class Dojo of any developments.
I just wanted to update parents and thank you whole heartedly for all your responses.
We will also be reviewing after school curricular activites with view to resuming clubs. Hopefully, with Spring on it’s way, the weather will be kinder and allow outdoor after school clubs to resume. We will also be inviting parental and pupil suggestions for different clubs to those which have run traditionally- any ideas, let us know!
The school community here at Ysgol y Llys is a fantastic one and much appreciated by staff and Governors. Diolch