Mae niferoedd achosion Covid Ysgol y Llys yn dal ar gynnydd felly gofynnwn i bawb i fod yn wyliadwrus ac i gadw at arferion da o ran hylendid personol a mesurau pellter cymdeithasol. Pwysig- Os oes gan blant symptomau Covid yna na ddylent fod ar safle ysgol. Gwerthfawrogwn hefyd ei bod hi’n dymor anwydau a gall fod yn anodd gwahaniaethu rhwng symptomau.
Hoffwn rannu hefyd ein bod wedi gweld cynnydd mewn nifer o staff ysgol sydd wedi profi’n positif. Mae hyn yn rhoi sdraen a her o ran sicrhau lefelau staffio. Rydym yn ddibynnol ar asiaethau recriwtio ar gyfer ein staff cyflenwol ac mae pwysau mawr arnynt- nenwedig wrth sicrhau staff sy’n gymwys yn y Gymraeg.
Bydd pob ymdrech yn mynd i sicrhau lefelau staffio cywir, ond rhaid hysbysu rhieni o flaen llaw petai’r sefyllfa yn gwaethygu yna bydde rhaid edrych ar bob opsiwn- ac yn anffodus fe fyddai hyn yn cynnwys cau dosbarthiadau/Blynyddoedd penodol am gynfod a mynd yn ol i ddulliau dysgu o bell.
Mawr obeithiwn na fydd hyn yn digwydd, ond teimlaf ei bod hi’n bwysig i ni gyfathrebu’r sefyllfa efo rieni.
The number of positive Covid cases here at Ysgol y Llys remains on the increase. This is another reminder to all to remain vigilant and to adhere to social distancing and personal hygiene protocols. Please note- if pupils display any of the main symptoms of Covid_19 then they should not be on school site. We acknowledge that this is particular difficult at this time as we enter the Autumn with colds and coughs surging and the difficulty in differentiating between a common cold and Covid.
I would also like to point out that we have seen a rapid increase in the number of school staff being PCR tested and subsequently proving positive with Covid. This is having an increasing impact on our staffing capabilities to ensure we have enough cover for classes. When staffing absences are confirmed we arrange supply cover through various recruitment agencies. As you can imagine, agencies are particularly stretched and have seen a surge in demand for staff from schools since the start of term. Another challenge for us here is the ability to recruit Welsh language supply staff. We are committed to ensuing our classes remain open. However, it is important to note that in some extreme cases, where we have exhausted all options in relation to recruiting supply staff, that the only reasonable option would be to close classes/Year groups (depending on the staffing situation). This would be for a set period of time until staffing levels would have returned. Naturally, we hope that this situation will not transpire as we appreciate the impact this would have not only on children’s education, but also on child care commitments for families. Remote learning would be in place again for those classes. We sincerely hope this scenario does not happen but felt it necessary to keep parents updated on an everchanging situation.