Cofiwch, cynhelir Eisteddfod Cylch yr Urdd yn Ysgol Dewi Sant, y Rhyl ar ddydd Sadwrn, Chwefror 29ain, 2020. Rhaid I staff gofrestru plant ar lein i gystadlu erbyn 4/2/20 fan bellaf. Mae posib i rieni gwirio pa gystadlaethau ar lein drwy ddilyn y ddolen isod:
Gofynnwn i rieni wirio’r rhain cyn y dyddiad cau- nid cyfrifoldeb staff yn unig yw;’r broses yma. Diolch
Urdd Area Eisteddfod (29.02.20)
A reminder that the Urdd Area Eisteddfod is held at Ysgol Dewi Sant on Saturday, February 29th, 2020. We need to register pupils to compete no later than 4th February. Parents are also advised to check and verify pupil registrations through using pupil Urdd Membership number on the following link.
We kindly ask parents to check the details as responsibility is not solely that of school staff.