Fel y gwyddoch, cafodd Gymru benbaladr ei heffeithio gan Storm Ciara dros y penwythnos. Golygodd hyn ddifrod a llanast i nifer fawr o dai, cartrefi, busnesi led Cymru. Dyma atgoffa rhieni felly am weithdrefnau Ysgol y Llys mewn sefyllfa o argyfwng ac wrth orfod cau’r ysgol.
- Oni bai nodir fod yr ysgol wedi cau, rhaid cymryd fod Ysgol y Llys ar agor.
- Cyfeiriwch at wefan Sir Ddinbych am restr gyfredol o ysgolion sydd ar gau.
https://www.denbighshire.gov.uk/en/resident/education/emergency-school-closures.aspx - Seilir bob penderfyniad i gau’r ysgol ar sail asesiadau risg manwl- mae’r rhain yn cynnwys ystyriaeth i nifer staff sydd gennym ac ar sail diogelwch safle. Oes oes penderfyniad i gau, yna rydym yn hysbysu rhieni drwy ebost, Schools App, Gwefan ysgol a gwefan Sir Ddinbych. Gwriwch y rhain. Byddwn yn eich hysbysu cyn gynted ag sydd bosib er mwyn i rieni gael amser i wneud trefniadau gan gynnwys gofal plant.
- Os oes unrhyw ymholiadau, cysylltwch â’r swyddfa ar 01745 853019.
Diolch am eich cydweithrediad.
As you will know, Wales faced the full force of Storm Ciara over the weekend which caused disruption to hundreds of households, businesses and infrastructure. A reminder to all regarding Ysgol y Llys protocol in event of possible emergency school closures.
- Unless clearly highlighted that the school is closed, Ysgol y Llys’s default position is that we are open.
- Please refer to Denbighshire website for updates
https://www.denbighshire.gov.uk/en/resident/education/emergency-school-closures.aspx - Risk assessments are made on site safety and staff numbers. If a decision is taken to close the school we will notify parents via email, Schools’ App, School website and Denbighshire school closures site. Please check. We will ensure that any decision is communicated efficiently to ensure minimal disruption to families in respect of child care arrangements.
- If in doubt, please ring the school on 01745 853019.
Many thanks for your anticipated support.