Byddwn yn ffarwelio (dros dro) a Mrs Glesni Thomas (ALNCO) ar ddiwedd wythnos yma with iddi gychwyn pennod newydd fel Swyddog ADY Sir Ddinbych. Dymuniadau gorau. Mae’r awdurdod yn ffodus lawn o gael aelod o staff mor gydwybodol ac arbennig. Croesawn Mrs Emma Robertshaw (athrawes dosbarth Blwyddyn 3) yn ei Ile fel Cydlynydd Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol newydd Ysgol y Llys. Athrawes hynod brofiadol fydd heb os hefyd yn hynod effeithiol yn y rol newydd.
Swyddfa- Wythnos diwethaf, apwyntiwyd Mrs Angela Thomas, fel Swyddog Cefnogi Busnes Ysgol y Llys ar gytundeb Hawn amser parhaol- llongyfarchiadau mawr iddi.
Gofalwr- Apwyntiwyd yn ddiweddar Mr Andrew McConnell fel gofalwr newydd Ysgol y Llys- croeso cynnes iddo i’r ysgol.
At the end of this week, we will say farewell to Mrs Glesni Thomas (ALNCO) following her recent secondment at appointment to post of DCC ALN Advisory Teacher. The Local Authority are very fortunate to have such a dedicated and hard-working member of staff. We wish her well! Mrs Emma Robertshaw (Year 3 class teacher) has been appointed as Interim ALN Co-Ordinator at Ysgol y Llys. Mrs Robertshaw herself a very experienced class teacher who will bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the role.
School Office- Last week, Mrs Angela Thomas, was appointed to the role of Ysgol y Llys School Secretary / Business Support Officer. Congratulations to herl We look forward to her contribution to the future success of the school.
New Caretaker- Mr Andrew McConnell was recently appointed to the post of new Caretaker here at Ysgol y Llys. A warm welcome to him.