Gweler ddiweddariad am ehangu darpariaeth cinio rhad ac am ddim i ddisgyblion ysgol Sir Ddinbych. Mae’r isod yn ddatganiad i’w groesawu gan Sir Ddinbych sy’n cadarnhau y bydd disgyblion Blwyddyn 1 hefyd yn derbyn y cynnig, ac yn gynt nag a ddisgwyliwyd, sef o Ionawr 9fed, 2023 ymlaen.
Please see DCC press release to schools which confirms that the roll out of Free School Meals will extend, earlier than planned, to Year 1 across Denbighshire. This will commence fromJanuary 9th, 2023 onwards. Please see attachment for further details.
Should the offer be extended earlier to other year groups in the future, we will inform you as soon as we are notified.
We welcome this decision and wanted to notify parents as soon as possible.
UPFSM Blwyddyn 1 - Llythyr i rhieni. Year 1 UPFSM letter to parents 13122022 FINAL