Fel y gwyddoch, mae Ffair Nadolig Ysgol y Llys yn cael ei gynnal heddiw rhwng 5-7pm. I’r perwyl yma, mae’r Gymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon wedi trefnu diwrnod Di-Wisg Ysgol yfory i’r disgyblion. Buasem yn ddiolchgar iawn petai teuluoedd yn gallu cyfrannu eitemau i werthu yn y ffair nos yfory yn lle taliad ar gyfer y diwrnod di-wisg ysgol. Gall fod yn eitemau bric a brac, nwyddau ymolchi, hen lyfrau, DVS’s, CD’s.
Bydd hyn o help mawr i’r Gymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon sy’n trefnu, ac fel gwyddoch mae’r arian sy’n cael ei godi o’r noson yn mynd i brynu adnoddau gwerthfawr i’r ysgol.
Edrychwn ymlaen at y ffair.
Gyda diolch,
Staff y Llys a’r Gymdeithas Rieni ac Athrawon.
As you are aware, we will hold our PTA Christmas Fayre today (1/12/22) between 5-7pm. In order to assist the PTA committee with the arrangements, we will tomorrow be holding a non-uniform day. Rather than donating cash, we kindly suggest that families donate items which can be used / sold in the fayre- e.g Bric and Brac, toiletries, reading books, games, CD’s, DVD’s etc.
This would be a great help to the PTA Committee who are organising the event. As you are aware, the school relies heavily on PTA funding to purchase school resources and to subsidise various school activities.
Thank you all for your anticipated support.
We hope families will be able to support the Fayre and also the non-uniform day tomorrow at Ysgol y Llys.
Kind regards,
Ysgol y Llys Staff and PTA Committee Members