Neges fach i’ch atgoffa chi am yr argymhellion ynglyn a sgwteri. Braf yw cael gweld y dysgwyr yn eu defnyddio i deithio i’r ysgol ac yn cadw’n heini wrth wneud hynny. Ond hoffwn atgoffa rhieni a’r dysgwyr y dylen nhw gerdded i fyny’r dreif gan wthio y sgwteri, nid eu reidio. Mae hyn ar sail iechyd a diogelwch rhag ofn i unrhyw ddamweiniau all ddigwydd. Diolch am eich cydweithrediad.
Just a quick message to remind you of the guidelines regarding scooters on site. It’s lovely to see the pupils using them to travel to school and keeping fit whilst riding them. But we would like to remind parents and pupils that they should walk the scooters up the drive/footpath, not to ride them. This is based on health and safety of everyone incase there was to be an accident. Thank you for your cooperation.
Llawer o ddiolch,