Pwysig – Plant yn cerdded adref / Important – Pupils walking Home

Gweler trefniadau a disgwyliadau Ysgol y Llys mewn perthynas a chaniatad rhieni i ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 5 a 6 i gerdded adref eu hunain ar ddiwedd diwrnod ysgol. 

A reminder that pupils in Years 5 and 6  are permitted to walk home at the end of the school day independently but only if written consent is given by parents. Currently, this may be via email to school, or via Seesaw  message to class teacher. 

We will be collating this information again via google forms this half term, so request that all parents who permit their Year 5 and 6 children to walk home complete the google form for our data base. (Even if they have previously submitted written consent). 

For those pupils who walk down the drive to meet parents in drop off point either in person or in parked vehicles, a reminder that if parents are not there, then pupils are to return to the school reception to await parents. It might be that staff will be required to telephone parents to make enquiries regarding pick up.

In no circumstances, without prior arrangement and agreement are pupils to walk home themselves. 

If there is a change in arrangements from parents in relation to end of day pick up arrangements, parents must inform school staff promptly. 

Kind regards / Cofion gorau,

Dyfan Phillips – PENNAETH