Cawsom gyflwyniadau bwysig iawn i ddisygblion dydd Gwener diwethaf yn ein gwasanaeth ysgol ynglyn a Glendid Personol.
Efallai hoffai rieni ddefnyddio’r cyflwyniadau i sgwrsio adref gyda’u plant. Roedd y plant yn trafod yn dda yn y gwasanaeth ac awgrymodd rhai y byddai’n dda rhannu’r cyflwyniadau efo rhieni.
We held a school assembly last Friday on the topic of Personal Hygiene, in light of the press coverage relating to the Cornovirus outbreak. The pupils were very engaged in the topic and raised many interesting points. The main points discussed was the importance of personal hygiene at all times, especially hand washing. Pupils suggested we share the powerpoint with parents as part of an on-going discussion both at home and at school. The presentations are available both in Welsh and English and are from a teaching resource at Twinkl. You may find useful when having discussions at home with your children.
Personal Hygiene ppGlendid Personol