Ar ddydd Gwener yma (24.01.20) byddem fel ysgol yn cefnogi diwrnod Cariad@yrUrdd.
Diwrnod di-wisg ysgol lle caiff y plant eu hannog i wisgo fyny mewn coch, gwyn a gwyrdd.
Gofynnwn am gyfraniadau a bydd yr arian sy’n cael ei gasglu yn mynd tuag at Pwyllgor Apel Prestatyn (Urdd 2020).
Diolch o flaen llaw am eich cydweithrediad.
This Friday, (January 24th, 2020), we will be supporting the Urdd ‘Red, green and white’ initiative, where children will be invited to come to school in non-uniform
and dressed in red, green and/ or white. All proceeds will go towards the Urdd 2020 Prestatyn Local Appeal. Can I thank all parents for your continuous support.
The fundraising support from Ysgol y Llys for the Urdd over the last two years has been fantastic and I know the local Urdd branch committee members (Prestatyn) are extremely grateful.
Attached is the Urdd poster promoting the activity.