I’ch atgoffa y bydd tîm Adran Iechyd yn yr ysgol wythnos nesaf, (19.11.19)
I roi brechiadau gwrth ffliw (Nasal Flu Spray). Mae hyn yn agored i bob plentyn drwy’r ysgol (Heblaw am blant oed Meithrin. Dylai rieni plant meithrin drefnu apwyntiad drwy eu meddyg teulu). RHAID dychwelyd ffurflenni caniatâd wythnos yma er mwyn sicrhau fod eich plenty yn derbyn y chwistrelliad.
Nasal Spray Flu Vaccination
A reminder that the Denbighshire Health Team will be administrating the nasal flu vaccination to pupils at Ysgol y Llys, next Tuesday, November 19th. All consent forms must be signed and returned to school by the end of this week. Please note, Nursery aged pupils do not receive the vaccination at school and parents should make enquires at their GP surgery.