Cyn hanner tymor, bu i ni gystadlu unwaith eto yng nghystadleuaeth blynyddol Carol yr Wyl (S4C).
Yn anffodus, ni lwyddom i gyrraedd y rhestr derfynol eleni. Ond da o beth fyddai rhannu’r garol gyda rhieni a theuluoedd Ysgol y Llys.
Diolch yn fawr i’r plant am eu hymroddiad- ac fe driwn eto yn y gystadleuaeth flwyddyn nesa!
Gobeithio i chwi fwynhau’r garol!
Nadolig Nid yw’n Darfod – Ysgol y Llys.mp3
‘Christmas in more than just a day’
Before half term, we submitted our annual entry to the S4C ‘Carol of the Year’ competition. Although we have not been shortlisted this year for the final ten, we thought it would be nice to share the carol with Ysgol y Llys parents and families.
A huge thanks to the pupils for their enthusiasm and willingness to take part. Thanks also to the staff, Mrs Bethan Hughes and Mrs Nerys Morgan for preparing the children. It was also great welcoming back one of our ex-pupils, Danny Barlow to add the percussion/drum element to the carol. Diolch.
The carol is called ‘Nadolig Nid yw’n Darfod’ (‘Christmas in more than just a day’) and written and composed by Dyfan Phillips and Ioan Rees.
We hope you enjoy the carol. We look forward to competing again next year.