Rydym yn edrych ymlaen yn arw at gael croesawu plant yr Adran Iau yn ol atom o wythnos nesaf ymlaen.
Mae wedi bod yn gyfnod rhyfedd yn yr ysgol hebddoch!
Dwi siwr y bydd yn deimlad rhyfedd i bawb bore Llun cael dod nol i drefn, gwisgo’r gwisg ysgol a chamu i Ysgol y Llys unwaith eto.
Efallai bydd nerfau gan sawl un. Cofiwch, mae hyn yn naturiol. Ond o brofiad y plant Cyfnod Sylfaen, unwaith maent yn dychwelyd, buan mae’r nerfau yn diflannu ac mae rhyw deimlad o ail wisgo hen esgid, neu fel redio beic- mae o dod yn nol yn naturiol iawn.
Bydd yn braf cael sgwrsio, chwerthin a disgyblion- gweld plant (yn eu bybls) yn cymysgu ac yn cael dysgu wyneb wrth wyneb.
Cofiwch bawb- mae rhaid cadw at rheolau pellter cymdeithasol. Mae rhain oll i warchod staff, disgylion ac hefyd rieni.
Golchi dwylo, defnyddio ‘hand sanitizers’ yn gyson.
Da oedd gweld ein Prif Weinidog Mark Drakeford yn cyhoeddi ychydig o lacio o’r cyfyngiadau Covid amser cinio heddiw.
Rhaid ni gymryd bob cam yn raddol- fel hyn y down drwyddi- mae’n hanfodol cadw’r cyfraddau i lawr.
Lles gwerin, Llys agroed.
Mwynhewch y penwythnos a welwn ni bawb dydd Llun.
We are particularly excited to be welcoming back our KS2 pupils to Ysgol y Llys from next Monday (March 15th onwards).
Although we have been really pleased to welcome back the younger Foundation Phase children, if truth be said it has been quite strange without having the full capacity of school pupils on site.
Undoubtedly, there will be a few anxious moments on Monday (from pupils, parents and staff!) as we return. This is totally normal following such a long break from face to face learning at Ysgol y Llys. Please be re-assured, that from experience, (and certainly from the way in which the Foundation Phase pupils have adapted) that any anxiety or worries will surely disappear once children return, see their friends, and laugh and chat. It is similar to finding a old pair of comfy shoes or riding a bike- hopefully the warm memories of school will come flooding back. Your children are also our children- please remember this. There will be a focus on well-being, of social interaction within bubbles, of re-engaging with spoken Welsh language and of course within the parametres of literacy and numeracy, of health and well being and of creativity and digital competence.
Please remind everyone to keep to the social distancing measures we have put in place. Emphasis remains on personal hygiene, hand washing, antibacterial cleansing, social distancing, beacuse although Covid transmission rates are going down, the virus has not disappeared!
It has also been pleasing to hear of our First Minister, Mr Mark Drakeford’s announcment today about gradual relaxing of lockdown measures in Wales. These are to be welcomed, but once again with a word of caution. We must remain vigilant and keep to the gradual steps which are bestowed. After such a challenging 12 months, we owe it to ourselves to be cautious and it is imperative that any postive steps are not undone, and that our efforts should not been in vain.
Enjoy the weekend with your families. Your Ysgol y Llys family looks forward to seeing you all next Monday.
Kind regards,
Dyfan Phillips and Ysgol y Llys Staff.