Rydym yma yn Ysgol y Llys yn awyddus iawn i ganfod barn rhieni ynglyn a darpariaeth Ysgol y Llys mewn cyd-destun ‘Dysgu o bell.’
Heb os, yn yr hinsawdd ohoni, bydd mwy o ddisgwyl i ysgolion baratoi deunyddiau fel y gall plant gael mynediad i wersi a thasgau o’r cartref.
I’r perwyl yma, dyma holiadur TGCH i rieni gwblhau. Bydd y canlyniadau yn cefnogi trefniadaeth a gweledigaeth Ysgol y Llys ac yn sicrhau ein bod yn cefnogi anghenion bob teulu.
Gall rieni gael mynediad i’r holiadur wrth ddilyn y dolen canlynol: https://forms.gle/cs55wwQFbT7QqwHFA
Ni ddylai’r holiadur gymryd mwy na 5 munud i’w gwblhau. Mae gan rieni hyd at Ddydd Sul, Tachwedd 1af i’w gwblhau.
Gall rieni gwblhau’r holiadur mwy nag unwaith os oes ganddynt mwy nag un plentyn yn yr ysgol. Hyn i adlewyrchu sefyllfa dosbarthiadau.
Byddwn maes o law yn rhannu crynodeb o’r canlyniadau a’r gweithredu gyda rhieni.
Diolch yn fawr am eich cydweithrediad disgwyliedig.
Cofion gorau,
Dyfan Phillips a Staff Ysgol y Llys.
Dear Parents,
During these challenging times, as a school we continuously evolve teaching strategies to meet the needs of our learners and families.
One important element has been since the lockdown in March, is the focus on online, digital distance learning between pupils and class teachers.
No doubt, there will be more of an emphasis on this in the future, especially considering potential future lockdowns and class closures due to islolation beacuse of Covid.
With this in mind, our ICT Group (Comprising designated teachers from each Unit here at Ysgol y Llys) have developed a Parents ICT Questionnaire. The purpose of the survey is
to work collaboratively with families to ascertain needs in relation to ICT and to ensure our distance learning philosophy and arrangements are effective to support home engagement.
We would be grateful if parents take the time to complete the survey as it will assist strategic ICT planning and investment here at Ysgol y Llys.
Parents may access the questionnaire on the following link https://forms.gle/cs55wwQFbT7QqwHFA
The survey should not take more 5 minutes and will be open for parents to complete until Sunday, November 1st 2020.
Parents may compete the survey more than once to reflect issues in relation to provision in different classes (If they have multiple siblings).
Feedback and summary of findings will be shared with parents in due course.
Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.
Kind regards,
Dyfan Phillips and Ysgol y Llys Staff