Dim ond nodyn i atgoffa rhieni fod dyddiad cau i rieni wneud cais am le i’r plentyn i’r Dosbarth Derbyn dydd Gwener yma, sef Tachwedd 22ain, 2019.
Dylai pob rhiant sydd efo plentyn yn y dosbarth Meithrin eleni gofio fod rhaid gwneud cais ar lein ar gyfer lle i’w plentyn ar gyfer Medi 2020 (Os dewisent Ysgol y Llys neu unrhyw ysgol gynradd arall). Mae’r manylion i’w canfod ar y ddolen isod:
Reception Class Admission 2020-21
A reminder that the closing date for applications for admission to Reception Class is this Friday, November 22nd, 2019. Parents of current nursery pupils should remember that admission to Reception class next September still needs to be made via the application process through Denbighshire CC. Admission to nursery does not automatically mean admission to reception. Please use the following link to complete admission forms: