Siarter Iaith- Gwobr Aur!
Gyda phleser mawr hysbysaf rieni am lwyddiant Ysgol y Llys o ennill Gwobr Aur Siarter Iaith Cymraeg. Cawsom ein dilysu wythnos diwethaf gan Mrs Siân Vaughan, Cydlynydd Siarter Iaith Conwy a Dinbych a braf yw cael cyhoeddi iddi nodi ein bod yn ‘llawn haeddu’r anrhydedd’. Fe nodwyd hefyd mai Ysgol y Llys oedd y 4ydd Ysgol (allan o 40 ysgol gymwys ar draws Siroedd Conwy a Dinbych) i ennill y cymhwyster- newyddion arbennig i ni fel ysgol!
Mae hyn yn glod i BAWB sydd ynghlwm ag Ysgol y Llys- ein disgyblion, staff, rhieni a llywodraethwyr- fellydiolch i bawb!
Ymlaen at y nod o filiwn o Siaradwyr Cymraeg yng Nghymru erbyn 2050!
Welsh Language Charter- It is with great pleasure that we can formally announce that Ysgol y Llys has succeeded in obtaining the Gold Award for the Welsh Language Charter. We were assessed last week by Mrs Siân Vaughan, the Denbighshire and Conwy Welsh Language Charter Co-Ordinator, who after inspecting the school, looking at evidence and speaking with staff and pupils, was in no hesitation in awarding us Gold Ward status. We are only the fourth school across Denbighshire and Conwy (40 eligible schools) to gain this award. I am extremely proud of all pupils and staff for all their efforts in promoting and actively using the Welsh language not only here at Ysgol y Llys, but in the wider Prestatyn community.This recognition is reward to ALL stakeholders- parents, staff, pupils and governors- so a huge thanks to all.
Let’s help ensure that the WAG target of one million Welsh speakers by 2050 is met! Diolch yn fawr/Many thanks,
Dyfan Phillips PENNAETH