Gwych oedd clywed yn ddiweddar i Gylch Meithrin y Llys ennill cymhwyster ‘Safon Seren Aur’ yn Safonau Serennog y Mudiad Meithrin. Clod haeddiannol i Anti Helen (Gilmour) a holl staff y Cylch. Rydym yn falch iawn ohonynt. Da iawn wir!
Pre-School Nursery Setting Success
It is with great pleasure to share the news of the Cylch Meithrin success here at Ysgol y Llys in being the first pre-school setting in Wales to obtain the Gold Standard in the Nursery Standards Awards. This is quite an achievement and is reward for the hard work and efforts put in by Auntie Helen (Gilmour) and her staff. We are extremely proud of the Cylch- da iawn wir!